The Saratoga Springs Recreation Department is requesting approval for the following basketball sponsors:
Adirondack Trust Company $275
| Adirondack Trust Insurance $275 AFSCO Fence Supply $275 | Allerdice Building & Supply $275Boxley Services $275Cudney's Launderers $275 Foley Chiropractic $275 Gaffneys $275 Harris Beach $275 Knights of Columbus $275 Krackeler Scientific $275 Leon's Mexican Restaurant $275 Munter Enterprises $275 Saratoga Springs PBA $275 Pennell's Saratoga Springs Firefighters $275 Saratoga Rotary Club $275 Saratoga Guitar $275 Saratoga Learning Center $275 Saratoga Lions Club $275 Saratoga -Wilton Elks #161 $275 Taft Furniture $275 Turbine Services LTD. $275 Zanetti Milwork $275 Zieker Eye $275 TCBR $500.00